GRASS GIS crash course
On 3 November 2017 there will be a GRASS GIS crash course, organized by and the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of ITC. The course will provide participants with an overview of the software capabilities and a hands-on experience in raster, vector and time series processing with the Open Source software GRASS GIS 7. For more information, go here. You can register on our Meetup page [update: maximum number of participants has been reached, registration closed].
Course structure/contents
The course consists of mainly practical sessions with a short intro to basic concepts at the beginning. All the code and material will be publicly available
- We will cover the following introductory topics, among others:
- GRASS database, locations and mapsets
- Working with different data types (vector, raster, 3D raster formats, time series)
- Different interfaces (GUI, CLI, Python)
- Region and mask
- Scripting examples
- Visualization of spatial data; scale bar, symbols, grids, color tables, histograms
- Where to find help
After the introduction with simple examples, we will go together through a guided exercise to demonstrate a full workflow in GRASS GIS, involving raster, vector and temporal data. In the end, participants will have the chance to follow three different tutorials: Remote sensing analysis using satellite data, Time series processing and spatial point interpolation. Teachers will be available for questions and explanations.
When and where?
- Friday, November 3rd, 2017 from 10.30 to 16.30 (with 1-hour for lunch break)
- ITC – Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation. University of Twente. Hengelosestraat 99, 7514 AE, Enschede. The Netherlands.